Sunday! The Lord blessed us with this day! 7th day of the week.
*wipes tear*
Phew! Ive been soooo tired.... TIRED??? an understate-word.. I suppose.
Stupid engineering project.
I don't think I've been so tired since... *lost in thoughts*
*still thinking*
*yawns* *stretches* *realizes there is no space to sleep on her laptop amongst the crumbs and dust*
Actually I haven't worked this alarmingly much even in my 4-years of undergraduate education. :P
Need..... sleep.... now....good 12-hour sleep :)
Hence, my trusty 'ol cell-phone/door-bell/alarm/microwave/whatever-rings is undergoing hibernation for the weekend.
Cheerio folks!
P.S. :I HATE you Monday!!!!! :(